Whether you’re lending your time to a cause, joining a group, attending events, or meeting people who share your passions, getting involved helps you experience the best of what the area offers while making a meaningful difference. Check out the list of local organizations below to get started.
Check out Engage HCM to register for ongoing volunteer projects in the community.
ANCHOR Commission
(276) 634-2910 info@anchor-services.orgOrganization Bio
The mission of ANCHOR is to provide a new chance for youth in our community. ANCHOR Services provide comprehensive care and individualized treatment to assist youth and their families in achieving optimal health and well-being.
Bassett Historical Center
(276) 629-9191 bhcenter3964@gmail.comOrganization Bio
The Bassett Historical Center is a research facility specializing in both local history and family research. The center’s staff work to preserve valuable records, manuscripts, family and historical memorabilia, making them accessible to the public and preserving them for future generations.
Blue Ridge Mountains Council Boy Scouts
(540) 265-0656Organization Bio
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. The Scoutreach Mission is to recruit strong leaders to develop solid relationships with the sponsoring organizations in urban and rural communities nationwide to ensure that culturally diverse youth have opportunities to join Scouting.
Blue Ridge Regional Library
(276) 403-5430Organization Bio
Along with materials and books for lending, the Blue Ridge Regional Library also has free programs for all ages, free Internet and Wi-Fi, and summer feeding programs for children.
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Blue Ridge
(276) 656-1171Organization Bio
Boys and Girls Clubs of the Blue Ridge provides after school and summer enrichment programs for youth ages 3-18 years old in Martinsville and Henry County. Programs focus on academic achievement, good character and citizenship, the arts, recreation, and healthy lifestyles.
Charity League of MHC
Organization Bio
The Charity League of Martinsville and Henry County started in 1931 and is comprised of a network of over 400 active and sustainer women. Cherishing children since 1931.
Community Storehouse
(276) 632-9002Organization Bio
The mission of the Community Storehouse is to feed those in need, reduce food waste, advance self-sufficiency, and provide community leadership on issues related to hunger.
Connect Health + Wellness
info@healthycommunitymhc.orgOrganization Bio
Federally Qualified Health Centers. All insurances welcome, including Medicaid and Medicare. Sliding fee scale available based on household income and family size.
Da Capo VA
Organization Bio
Da Capo offers musical training in a community based, passion driven approach via choruses, private instruction, coaching, small ensembles and public performances.
Dan River Basin Association
(276) 634-2545 drba.va@danriver.orgOrganization Bio
The Dan River Basin Association (DRBA) preserves and promotes the natural and cultural resources of the Dan River Basin to create a place where all people can enjoy a high quality of life with easy access to clean and healthy rivers, streams, parks, trails and heritage attractions – amenities necessary to support a strong and vibrant local economy.
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)
(276) 634-3634Organization Bio
The Division of Rehabilitative Services offers vocational rehabilitation to assist people with disabilities to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment.
Disability Rights and Resource Center, Inc.
(540) 482-0752Organization Bio
The Disability Rights & Resource Center will seek to help any person with any disability achieve and maintain a life of independence! Our core services include advocacy, peer counseling, independent living skills training, information and referral, and transition services.
Engage HCM
(276) 638-3946 Brandy@unitedwayofhcm.orgOrganization Bio
Engage HCM is leading the charge of volunteerism in Martinsville-Henry County with an online platform to promote volunteer events and recruit participants. Check out their website to volunteer with local organizations or list your own volunteer project. This platform was created and hosted by Henry County and Martinsville United Way.
Fayette Area Historical Initiative
(276) 732-3496Organization Bio
Fayette Area Historical Initiative African American Museum and Cultural Center was created to collect, preserve and interpret African American experiences and community life in Martinsville/Henry County.
Focus on Youth/CASA Child Advocacy
(276) 403-5691Organization Bio
FOCUS ON YOUTH/CASA provides services to all children of abuse and neglect that are referred by the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts in the 21st Judicial District. Our organization collaborates with other service providers such as Social Services, medical, mental health, and educational organizations to make sure the families and children receive the services they so desperately need.
Friends of Infinity Acres Ranch
(276) 358-2378 infinityacresva@gmail.comOrganization Bio
Infinity Acres Ranch is a 501-c-3 nonprofit educational ranch that offers animal based learning opportunities to local youth and individuals with disabilities. Infinity Acres Ranch is a wonderful educational animal ranch that is all about “Kids & Kritters”! The ranch was established in 2007 and offers unique opportunities for the young and young at heart.
Grace Network of Martinsville-Henry County
(276) 638-8500 info@gracenetworkmhc.orgOrganization Bio
Grace Network is a crisis center that helps families and individuals that reside in Martinsville or Henry County in financial crisis. Specifically, we help those at risk of eviction, loss of utilities, or are food insecure due to a financial crisis event.
Henry County Food Pantry
(276) 629-1369 director@hcfood.orgOrganization Bio
Henry County Food Pantry’s mission is to provide food, clothing, household and personal hygiene items, and connections to individuals and families within Martinsville and Henry County who are in need.
Henry County Public Schools
(276) 634-4700 publicinformation@henry.k12.va.usOrganization Bio
HCPS is a preK-12 public education system with 9 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, 2 high schools, and 2 programs available to school-aged children.
Henry-Martinsville Department of Social Services
(276) 656-4300Organization Bio
VDSS is one of the largest Commonwealth agencies, partnering with 120 local departments of social services, along with faithbased and non-profit organizations, to promote the well-being of children and families statewide. We proudly serve alongside 1,650 (state) and 8,500 (local) human services professionals throughout the Social Services System, who ensure that thousands of Virginia’s most vulnerable citizens have access to the best services and benefits available to them.
HOPE Center Ministries
(276) 732-6211Organization Bio
Hope Center Ministries is a long-term, Christ-centered recovery program.
Just Call Granny
(276) 734-3331Organization Bio
Just Call Granny, Inc is an organization that provides support to Henry County/Martinsville Grandfamilies and Kinship Families. This organization offers to help families access the current programs available in our area.
Martinsville City Public Schools
(276) 403-4773Organization Bio
Martinsville City Public Schools is a preK-12 education system with one preschool center, two elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. Martinsville City Public Schools strives to empower success “one learner at a time.”
Martinsville-Henry County Family YMCA
(276) 632-6427Organization Bio
As the nation’s leading nonprofit, we are committed to helping people and communities learn, grow and thrive. We drive change and strive to make a positive impact on individuals, families and communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. The Y is committed to developing new generations of change-makers who will create the communities we all want to live in.
Martinsville-Henry County Historical Society
(276) 403-5361 mhchistoricalsociety@gmail.comOrganization Bio
The Martinsville-Henry County Historical Society is committed to preserving and sharing the rich history of our area. We showcase that history through permanent and revolving exhibits housed in our Heritage Center and Museum located in the historic Old Courthouse, the former seat of Henry County, VA.
Martinsville-Henry County SPCA
(276) 638-7297 info@spcamhc.orgOrganization Bio
The Martinsville Henry County SPCA is dedicated to serving animals and people by engaging the hearts, hands, and minds of the community. We aim to preserve the relationships of families and their pets through improving animal living conditions, increasing immunity via Wellness Clinics, reducing overpopulation through spay/neuter efforts, and re-homing animals when needed.
MHC Academic Foundation
(276) 403-4445 info@mhcaf.orgOrganization Bio
The Foundation financially supports various academic initiatives in the area. A key component of this support is to provide scholarships to students enrolled in New College Institute degree programs.
Mobility Management
(276) 632-6442 info@southernaaa.orgOrganization Bio
Mobility Management is a Program of the Southern Area Agency on Aging.
Mobility Management is a strategic approach to managing transportation resources.
It emphasizes:
- Moving people instead of moving vehicles
- Making visible improvements to the quality of travel
- Designing and promoting transportation oriented programs
- Improving the availability of transportation service information
Monogram Foods Smith River Sports Complex
(276) 638-5200Organization Bio
The Monogram Foods Smith River Sports Complex is 90 acre multi-use sports development facility which hosts youth matches, college and high school tournaments, camps and other events. The complex also offers festival grounds, a pet-friendly walking path, river access, and an access point for the Dick & Willie Passage Trail.
New College Institute
(276) 403-5671 info@newcollegeinstitute.orgOrganization Bio
New College Institute’s mission is to be a premier center of learning that provides access to academic degrees, credentials and professional learning experiences in high-quality learning environments to prepare students for regional and statewide career opportunities and participation in collaborative, positive community change, promoting regional economic prosperity and community transformation.
Patrick & Henry Community College
(276) 656-0309Organization Bio
Patrick & Henry Community College is a comprehensive community college committed to enriching the quality of life in its region through academic excellence, student success, workforce development, community engagement, and lifelong learning. The college also runs a food & clothes pantry for students experiencing food insecurities and economic hardship.
Piedmont Arts
(276) 632-3221 frontdesk@piedmontarts.orgOrganization Bio
Piedmont Arts is an award-winning art museum that curates thought-provoking exhibitions by international, national, and regional artists. The museum also offers performing arts, art classes, free exhibit tours, and free in-school and educational programming. Experience the arts around town with a visit to the museum’s Gravely-Lester Art Garden or take a public art walking tour.
Piedmont Community Services
(276) 632-7128Organization Bio
Piedmont Community Service’s mission is to help individuals, families, and the community enhance quality of life by providing a highly effective continuum of behavioral health services including prevention, treatment, education, and support. Services can include same-day assessment and crisis intervention.
Pregnancy Care Center of MHC
(276) 634-5433 executive.director@pregcc.comOrganization Bio
Pregnancy Care Center of MHC, Inc. exists to help women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy. It offers free ultrasound, pregnancy testing, and other medical counseling services. Our staff provides support, medical information about pregnancy options, pregnancy education, and post abortion counseling.
This center does not offer or refer for pregnancy terminations or birth control.
Southern Area Agency on Aging
(276) 632-6442 info@southernaaa.orgOrganization Bio
Southern Area Agency on Aging (SAAA) provides services and resources to promote the health, quality of life, and independence of seniors, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers. Services provided or funded by SAAA include case management, “Meals on Wheels”, meals served at senior lunch sites (senior cafe’s) personal care, respite, senior transportation, home repairs, chore, emergency aid, senior employment, health promotion, falls prevention, long-term care ombudsman, insurance counseling, Alzheimer’s Support Groups, adult day care, senior cool care, Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program and medical transportation options.
Southside Survivor Response Center
(276) 403-4080 info@SSRCenter.orgOrganization Bio
SSR Center provides comprehensive services for all people and families that have been victims of sexual and /or domestic violence in the City of Martinsville, Henry and Patrick Counties. Services are available 24 hours per day through the CONTACT accredited hotline. The hotline is available for anyone who needs a compassionate ear to listen, needs to access Piedmont Community Services crisis counselors, or would like referrals to the community based team.…
Spencer Penn Centre
(276) 957-5757 spencerpenn04@gmail.comOrganization Bio
The Spencer-Penn Centre is a special events and educational facility providing spaces for parties, weddings, reunions, and more! Spencer-Penn offers special events throughout the year and classes for adults and children, and also provides the following free resources: library, computer lab, exercise classes, playground and walking track.
Tackfully Teamed Riding Academy
(276) 627-0024 tackfullyteamed@gmail.comOrganization Bio
Tackfully Teamed provides therapeutic horseback riding and other activities to individuals with disabilities. The organization also provides school programs, field trips, camps (all ages) and community and school (college, high school, middle school) internships, and volunteer opportunities (12 years and up).
The Community Dream Center
(276) 632-4231Organization Bio
The Community Dream Center offers a warming center and transitional housing for men experiencing homelessness.
United Way of Henry County & Martinsville
(276) 638-3946Organization Bio
The United Way of Martinsville-Henry County focuses on education, health, and financial stability—the building blocks for a good quality of life.
Uptown Partnership
(276) 212-2060 info@uptownpartnership.comOrganization Bio
Uptown Partnership Martinsville is an inclusive and diverse group of people committed to Uptown revitalization efforts designed to bring residents and businesses to Uptown to live, work, and play, using the nationally successful Main Street Approach.
Virginia CareerWorks – West Piedmont
(276) 656-6190Organization Bio
Participants who need training or work experience to better their lives are guided by Career Specialists who help them through the process to get that training or work transition. Primary benefits include Occupational Skills Training, Work Experience, and Supportive Services. Equal pairing with businesses to help them find a trained, qualified workforce.
Virginia Legal Aid Society
(434) 799-3550Organization Bio
Virginia Legal Aid Society provides legal services to low-income clients in civil cases without charging a fee. We help clients resolve tenant-landlord conflicts, family legal issues, public benefit problems, consumer disputes and many other matters.
Warming Center of Martinsville-Henry County
(276) 207-9660 operations@mhcwarmingcenter.orgOrganization Bio
The Martinsville-Henry County Warming Center operates when temperatures are below 35 degrees, with a weekly schedule posted each week on Saturday for the following week. The center is open between the months of October and March, dates to be decided based on weather.